Friday, October 19, 2012

Why Did the Administration Lie Over Benghazi?

I put the blame where the blame is due. You call it angst. I call it righteous indignation. I believe the man who with the highest "vibrational energy" to ever walk this earth would most certainly agree with the position that I have taken and my admonishment of these practices and the people who promote them. You call it rhetoric. I call it truth. That same man would appreciate my willingness to speak it. I wish you well in your attempts to raise your spiritual level, everyone should.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps the reason I have been targeted relates to my "vibrational energy," and that when people direct electromagnetic frequencies and chemical contamination into my space to disrupt my natural electrical and biological rhythms it might have an effect on my "vibrational energy?" I think that I have done a pretty good job maintaining my vibrational energy despite the assassination attempt. These things can be stopped in the material world, if one tries.

Yes, it is defeatism to suggest that the evils that exist on this planet can only be fought by focusing on our "vibrational energy." Is leaving crafty putdowns designed to blame the victim and disrupt their vibrational energy a good "soul vibration?" While I exist in this material world, I am going to take steps in that world to change it, and not resort to the thinking that the way that other people behave is somehow my fault because I haven't done enough to ignore it and focus my vibrations.

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