Map: Where are the Journal News employees in your neighborhood?
By Robert Cox on Wed, 12/26/2012 - 17:39
map indicates the addresses of all Journal News Employees in the New
York Tri-State area. Each dot represents an individual Journal News
employee -- a reporter, editor or staffer. The data does not include
freelancers — reporters or photographers — which can be hired without
being an employee. Being included in this map does not mean the
individual at a specific location is a responsible reporter or editor,
just that they are a reporter or editor.Data for all categories is included, but certain information is not available on an individual basis.
To create the map, Talk of the Sound submitted Google searches for the names and addresses of all Journal News employees in the New York Tri-State area. By state law, the information is public record.
Readers are still putting together records and could not immediately provide some data. The map will be updated when that data is released.
View Journal News Employees in a larger map
Welcome Instapundit readers! Thanks Glenn.
Welcome For What It's Worth readers. Thanks Chris.
Welcome Gateway Pundit readers. Thanks Jim.
Welcome Newsbusters readers. Thanks Tom.
Welcome Atlantic Wire and Yahoo! readers. Thanks J.K.
Welcome readers of The Blaze. Thanks Liz.
Al Tompkins of the Poynter Institute has a thoughtful article on the journalistic considerations behind the Journal News decision to publish their map. I find myself entirely in agreement with his views on this issue.
The problem is not that the Gannett-owned Journal News was too aggressive. The problem is that the paper was not aggressive enough in its reporting to justify invading the privacy of people who legally own handguns in two counties it serves.GOING GLOBAL: El Pais, the largest-circulated daily in Spain, has linked this article. Politiken, one of Denmark's leading papers, has linked this article. The Daily Mail, the United Kingdom's second biggest-selling daily newspaper, linked this article. Toronto Sun, one of Canada's largest papers, has linked this article., one of the most popular Russian language online resources, has linked this article.
My map is a "rather sad-looking Google map" according to Rebecca at The Gothamist.
The links and traffic coming into the site are now in hyperdrive so I can no longer update every single link. Let me just give a general shout out to: Newser, Wizbang Blog, Politico, The Jawa Report, American Thinker, The New York Observer, Mediaite, The Village Voice, Gawker, Huffington Post, Live Leak, GOPUSA, San Francisco Chronicle, Reddit, I Own The World, Breitbart Big Journalism, World News Daily, New York Magazine, Yahoo! News, The Wrap, Free Republic, Lucianne, Ann Coulter, BizzyBlog, BizPacReview, Opposing Views, The Hartford Courant.
I appeared on the The Ben Ferguson Show on WBAP in Dallas, TX Thursday morning (with Guest Host Steve Malzberg).
On 12/28, I appeared on the nationally syndicated Bill Bennett's Morning: Bill Bennet Radio Show Cox 2012 1228 (.mp3)
On 12/28, I appeared on the Schnitt Show on 12/28. His show is syndicated on about 50 stations nationwide. Guest hosting is my pal Pat Campbell of the The Pat Campbell Show weekday mornings on 1170 KFAQ in Tulsa, OK: Schnitt Show Cox 2012 1228 (.mp3)
Talk of the Sound readers and other bloggers are involved in a sort of a crowd-sourcing on gather home addresses and other contact information for Journal News employees. Based on reader submissions and this site in particular I have created a list of names and information sought. I then mapped what I had (above). I will add what more I get from readers and my own poking around. If you see some public data that matches, send me a link to and I will add it as quick as I can. Be advised that the Journal News has been in downsizing mode for the past several years. I have to wonder if all these names are current employees but we will treat them as such until we learn otherwise. The map was begun with 11 names.
Help fill in the blanks below.
** = loaded into Google map
UPDATE 12/27 11:30 AM: With the assistance of readers JK, SS, BW, AH and others, the following entries have been updated and added to the map. More are on the way.
Added Info: Janet Hasson, Ed Forbes.
New Entry: Thane Grauel, Elizabeth Ganga, Rick Carpiniello, Liz Anderson (Elizabeth Anderson Steinke), Nicole Futterman. The map now has 16 names.
You will note that one Journal News employee, Ian Thane Grauel, has recently removed his LinkedIn profile and Twitter account. Also, that Cyndee has removed her Facebook page and hidden her tweets. I have received requested to remove the names of former Journal News employees and freelancers from this list and will continue to do so if those people make such a request.
UPDATE 12/27 6:30 PM:
Updated the database for Stacy A. Anderson, Jane Lerner, Steve Lieberman and Herb Pinder but still no home address information so still not on the map. The database and map has been updated for Janet Hasson. New to the map are Robert Brum, Anjanette Rieger Delgado, Randi Weiner, James Kwasnik, Tania Savayan, Phil Reisman. The map now has 22 names.
Liz Anderson removed photos of her children from her Facebook page. She has also changed her Twitter account from @lizsteinke to @lizscribe.
UPDATE 12/28 1:30 PM:
Readers have provided enough information to put Alex Weisler, Hema Easley, Frank A. Becerra, Jr and Jonathon Bandler on the map which now has 26 names. Make that 27 names, I just added Steve Lieberman after reader SM showed I needed to edit Nancy Cutler and Lieberman. I removed Nicole Futterman, Dan Donovan, Jamie O'Grady and Howard Megdal as I am informed they are not full-time employees. I removed Rebecca Baker because she no longer works at the paper. I am finding that the Journal News has a lot of people listed on its web site as working for them who do not seem to actually work for them.
Today, based on popular demand, I made the following FOIL request to the County Clerk's in Westchester, Rockland, and Putnam counties.
Dear Mr. Clerk,
This is a public records request.
I would like to obtain a copy of the FOIL request made by the Journal News on through which they obtained information on pistol permit, any follow up communications with them regarding that request as well as any documents they obtained under FOIL. If they filed any sort of litigation to obtain additional information (e.g. an Article 78, etc.) I would like to obtain that as well. If this is a matter of forwarding some emails I would consider that an acceptable fill of my request.
Where possible I would like records in electronic format. If possible, I would like the electronic documents converted into standard Microsoft Office format (Word, Excel, etc.). I would like all communications including the delivery of documents to take place via email as much as is possible based on the nature of the available records.. I would like the Records Access Officer to certify that the records are genuine. If the documents only exist in paper form I am willing to pay. If the cost of converting the documents to a standard electronic format or making photos copies exceeds $20.00 I would like prior notification of the estimated cost to comply with this records request.
Robert Cox
Managing Editor
Talk of the Sound
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