Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sadly, for most TIs targeting never stops

Sadly, for most TIs targeting never stops. But that doesn't mean you can't fight back with all of your might.
I'm not interested in stalking TIs if that is what you're proposing. I am interested in interviewing bonafied perps to understand the rules of the game and why certain people are targeted as TIs while others are left alone. You say you are a former TI yourself. Why would you join the other side? What is in it for you that would lead you to turn the tables and engage in criminal activity that you have experienced yourself at the hands of others? Surely you know how traumatic it is to be a TI. I really wish to understand why people choose to engage in the ruination of another person's life. Is it just for the money? Or something more?

 I believe there has been yet another set up attempt made by law enforcement in order to reign me in and silence me so that I will quit producing material that is embarrassing to the establishment and the power elite and to prevent me from going forward to vindicate the legal rights that have been taken from me already without due process of law. Tonight, I got a message from a person whom I previously suspected to be a perp, a person that I believe has been attempting to gas light me through private messages and comments on my videos. The e-mail read "need to ask you - a few questions regarding a legal matter if that is ok?" I did not respond. A couple hours later when there had been no activity on my page this person then sends me another e-mail stating something like "I guess you don't want to help - thanks."

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